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With over 20 years' experience in recruitment, our consultants in the accounting & financial services team are specialists in their field.<br><br>They are involved with New Zealand businesses as well as offshore, from iconic Kiwi brands to international corporations, they work across a wide range of industries. The roles they cover include all levels of executive accounting (cost, financial, management, project, systems and tax); analysts in business intelligence, data, finance and systems; commercial and finance managers; and finance business partnering.<br><br> They work hard to get to know your business so that they can match you with the best talent in the market. Likewise, they know what's going on in the industry so can provide the most up-to-date insights to both candidates and clients.<br><br>The accounting & financial services team have the capability to source and expertly select specialist permanent and contract professionals at all levels.<br>

job listings

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Mat Domney

General Manager - Wellington

Michael Hurdle

Senior Consultant

Melanie Cropp

Associate Consultant

Tom Barnfield

Principal Consultant

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Jo Jossevel

Consulting Manager

Larissa Tinnelly


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed posuere placerat tellus ac rhoncus. In finibus ex sed orci blandit, eu euismod nulla fringilla. Ut eget mauris ut ipsum vestibulum laoreet. Nam faucibus tempor velit eu porta. Donec lorem nulla, auctor gravida tellus quis, gravida egestas orci. Ut ornare consectetur mauris, luctus imperdiet sapien venenatis id. Morbi justo ligula, mollis vitae purus vitae, egestas tincidunt elit. Quisque tellus ante, porta ac ipsum ac, cursus euismod urna. Maecenas egestas dui vel sodales congue. Mauris nibh dolor, tempor quis molestie vel, consequat quis lectus. Nunc ante ligula, facilisis eget consequat a, elementum eu odio. Etiam ac eleifend nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas imperdiet est non finibus porttitor.

Vestibulum sit amet tortor efficitur, sollicitudin lectus ut, congue ante. Curabitur molestie, orci eu porta sagittis, quam massa facilisis diam, a congue erat libero vel nibh. Fusce mattis euismod elit id malesuada. Donec egestas fermentum volutpat. Nullam tempor dignissim semper. Sed pharetra ornare sollicitudin. Cras mollis gravida odio vitae dignissim.

Vestibulum sit amet tortor efficitur, sollicitudin lectus ut, congue ante.

Year Lower Upper
2018 $60,000 $70,000
2019 $60,000 $70,000
2020 $60,000 $70,000

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