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Market Map Case Study- Major NZ Retail Group

Business Issue:

This major New Zealand retailer identified that there is an ongoing shortage of appropriately qualified candidates in New Zealand to step into retail management roles. This is especially relevant in cases where there is an insufficient level of internal resource.

OCG Solution:

The client identified a number of competing retail brands where they believed the appropriate level of candidate may reside. OCG first had to research these competing stores in each region, investigating the size of each organisation's structure and the names of key personnel and their backgrounds. From there each prospective passive/hidden candidate was discreetly approached and their level of interest was gauged based on motivation to change roles, flexibility to move to a different location and an indication of salary expectation was gathered. From that point, OCG was able to grade each candidate based on their response.


Marketing Mapping identified approximately 50 suitable prospective candidates into groups that:

  • Were interested in progressing discussions immediately
  • Were seen as long-term talent banking candidates
  • Were interested in a career chat
  • Were not interested in moving

The client was immediately able to contact a large group of 16 passive/hidden candidates, arrange informal meetings in the first instance and then schedule interviews with the company's senior management team. The client initiated a programme of communication with medium and long term passive/hidden talent with an aim to talent bank these candidates. Just as valuable was the market data gathered on competing brands and their organisational structures and remuneration packages.

Client Feedback:

"I would like to thank you OCG for their fantastic work on this Market Mapping assignment. It has enabled us to get a realistic view of retail market salaries at Store Manager levels across NZ and we have been in contact with some excellent candidates who will hopefully be joining our business soon."