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Research and Sourcing

Searching for a new job is a daunting task, but one that with the right guidance, can be made easy!

With the help of our careermakers, and with our amazing opportunites, you'll be sitting down to an interview in no time.

FMCG Sales Manager Case Study

Business Issue:

The client wanted to ensure that the entire market was fully explored for this key role. Although OCG has built up an extensive database of candidates in this role and sector, a multi-disciplined approach was agreed to find a National Sales Manager utilising advertising, database search and Research & Sourcing to fully explore the market. As speed was imperative, it was agreed to simultaneously run each approach to shorten the project lead time;

OCG Solutuion:

Advertising was limited to the NZ Hearld and a limited number of job boards.

The database search was a standard OCG search for the 100,000 plus candidate database filtered on the roles key attributes and experience.

OCG Research & Sourcing undertook what has become our 'best practice' research assignment approach of:

  • Assignment Specification Development - Understanding the real job needs.
  • Research Strategy Plan - Developing a candidate profile and a list of potential sources and keywords to search
  • Company List Research - Knowing Boolean strings, Google secrets and other search engines was important, as was ascertaining up-to-date company directories, published business magazines and resources.
  • Candidate Name Generation - Cyber sleuthing online communities, deep internet mining and other media and communication research approaches undertaken.
  • Candidate Qualification - Confidential phone conversations to screen and evaluate suitability and interest.
  • Candidates short-listed for OCG Recruitment Consultant to review - Consultant further evaluates, selects, and shortlists for the client.


A long list of candidates was presented to the client that included:

  • 12 passive/hidden candidates from Research & Sourcing
  • 58 candidates from the database search
  • 50 candidates from an external advertising campaign

The role was successfully filled by a candidate from the OCG advertising campaign, with the client satisfied that the full market of active and passive/hidden talent had been thoroughly explored for all possible candidates for the position.