Personal Details *First Name Please enter your first name. Middle Name *Last Name Please enter your Last name. *Preferred Name Please enter your Preferred name. *Address Please enter your Address. *Mobile Number Please enter your Mobile Number. Contact Number *Email Please enter your Email *Types of work you're looking for Perm Temp Contract Please enter types of work you're looking for *Notice period / Date next available Please enter notice period / Date next available Do you have any holidays booked? Yes No Please select an option. Are you GST registered? (For Contractors Only) Yes No Please select an option. For Temporary Employees Please Note *Next of Kin Please enter your next of Kin *Next of Kin Phone Please enter your next of Kin Phone *Relationship to You Please enter their relationship to You Consent To Contact Verbal Referees Referees *Referee 1: Name Please enter a referee *Referee 1: Current Position Please enter current position *Referee 1: Company Name Please enter Company Name *Relationship to You Please enter their relationship to You *Referee 1: Contact Number Please enter contact number *Referee 1: Email Please enter contact email *Referee 2: Name Please enter a referee *Referee 2: Current Position Please enter current position *Referee 2: Company Name Please enter Company Name *Relationship to You Please enter their relationship to You *Referee 2: Contact Number Please enter contact number *Referee 2: Email Please enter contact email Credit Reporting *I understand that you (Chandler Macleod) are asking me for personal information about me, to undertake a credit reporting service about me. I understand that: Chandler Macleod will only complete credit checks at a clients request and will notify me prior. Chandler Macleod will give my personal information to the credit reporting service, and they will hold that information on their systems to provide credit reporting. When other customers use the credit reporting service, that company may give the information to those customers. I understand *Date of Birth Please enter Date of Birth *Previous Address Please enter previous address NZ Licence Number Licence Version Number *Which Chandler Macleod Branch are you registering with? Auckland/South Auckland Wellington Please select an option. *Privacy Policy I accept Chandler Macleod Privacy Policy (link in footer menu below) Complete Registration